There's this really cool kid named Will Mehigan, and he makes music.
From his page:
Willectronica is a neo-pop electronic artist. He uses FL Studio Producer Edition (with it's built-in samples and generators) to create all of his music from scratch.
Plus he pwns at teh electro-musix.
Recently, Will's alter ego--Chilly Willy--has been making more awesome electronic music as well as mash up albums.
Currently, I'm hosting Willectronica's music with his permission. Download, listen, burn CDs, and spread the goodness with your friends, family, and that cool guy on the street who looks like he needs some good music. The files are all in mp3 format.
*New Album!!*
45 Minutes of your favorite Chilly Willy hits, and a few new tracks!
(note: does not contain "Chilly Chases a Chipmunk")
*New Album!!*
Will's alter ego, Chilly Willy, is revealed. More electronic music ensues.
Will's third mind blowing album.
The aptly named second CD.
Will's debut album.